Tuesday, August 13, 2013


Oh, I enjoyed Elysium. It's just that the film had two sides for me: a social agenda and an action story, and those two didn't necessarily work well together for me. The story didn't challenge me intellectually. It's been done before (and better) in other science fiction novels, and none of the emotional scenes really worked on me. Still, I found the movie as a whole rather enjoyable. Better than most I've seen this year. A surprise: Kruger is an amazing villain! The race-and-chase scenes were awesome, and the display of military technology had me drooling (just don't get me started on the physics involved, or lack of adherence to them. You've got to cut the line somewhere). Overall, not disappointed in the least.

Thursday, August 01, 2013

The deafness of deliberate solitude

At least he has his own devices, he can give himself that. Thinking to himself, who can fault them, for not seeing a thing that takes years of discipline and solemn inquiry to see? There is that certain kind of beauty that blooms in solitude, a rare flower that only grows under the most unexpected of circumstances. Wouldn't it be silly, to think that every seed would be exposed to the same photohydrological and chemical conditions? No, he would not assume that every sporophyte would remain the same. There is far too much left to be understood.