After Mike left, the kittens started playing around in my room. They were very curious at first, sticking their heads in every nook and crevice. The black one came to me first. She’s more adventurous. I opened the door to their cage, and she came out sticking her head out to look at the room. She looked underneath the desk and the drawer first, then darted underneath my bed. The black-and-white kitten was a different story. Mike aptly named him “Penguin” for his tuxedo coat. He’s a shy Penguin. I had to pull him out of the cage, and he barely looked around before darting underneath the bed. He stayed for a good long while. I eventually had to pry him off with a cardboard roll in order to play with him. The black kitty was completely different. She didn’t want to stay underneath the bed for long. Instead, she jumped up on all my furniture -- the computer desk, the book case, the old fireplace mantelpiece, and if I hadn’t stopped her -- the paper lantern lamp next to my bookcase.
The kittens are absolutely adorable. When they’re sitting down, feeling too lazy to move, they just look at me as I pace back and forth around my room. They watch me as I move from corner to corner, their eyes like small green pools. I come back to my room from the kitchen or the bathroom, and there they are sitting on my bed, acting like they have every right to be there (and I guess they sort of do, but it is a human bed after all). Shy Penguin leaves immediately, but the black kitty just stays there, like her neat prissy self. Thank god they’re already litter box trained. I don’t know how I would deal with that if they weren’t, but so far they’ve been neat and well-mannered. The only weird thing is, sometimes the black kitty starts digging in the litter box, and then she clambers all over my bed, including all over my pillows! I still have to think of a name for her, but I don’t think it’s going to be quite so lonely around the house anymore. I can sit in my chair and the black kitty jumps unto my lap in the middle of nowhere. I spent hours watching them. I have to cut myself short. Time passes by and it is already time for bed. No wonder I didn’t get any work done.

Black Kitty looking deviously cute at food

"Penguin" is so shy he has to be photographed in a cage. Poor kitty. He doesn't like to stay still.

Mike holding the Black Kitty
More Kitty Pictures
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